Friday, November 19, 2010

National Archives

Although the speaker for this talk knew her stuff, I found this talk completely irrelevant as I have no interest in what she does. I feel as though this talk was just to fill time, as I am pretty sure most of us are here to be photographers, not receptionists.
Although I am interested in work by photographers such as Max Dupain and Olive Cotton, I am not interested in a job that digitizes the work of previous photographers, I would rather be out there shooting!

Snowgum Studio

I really enjoyed our trip out to Snowgum Studio, as I really like Leonie's style or portraiture. She only uses natural light, and she shoots using backgrounds and props that her husband built at her farm. I really liked the 'old style' country cottage as it has a very rural feel which I think works nicely with her style and use of lighting. Leonie also does weddings, but she preffers to focus on her portraits.

Dan O'Day & Haley Richardson

Dan O'Day is a wedding photographer that shoots using a photo journalistic style. I really like his work as I find it very original and artistic. Dan also does fine art photography

Haley Richardson is a wedding and portrait photographer who has a background in fine art. Her style is very artistic and her work aims to show the beauty of the world.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Hilary Wardaugh

Hilary is the other one of our Industry Awareness teachers, and she talked about her business as a wedding photographer.
She talked a lot about workload, and how you have to inform people that what you charge is not just you being there for the couple of hours shooting, but that a wedding normally takes 40 hours to complete properly.
She also talked about her business, and how to make people feel safe and creating friendships with clients really help make your business successful, as they are more likely to recommend you to others.

Sydney Trip

The Sydney trip was alright, but I don't think it was worth the time. It was basically 8 hours driving for 3 hours of actually doing something.
GM photography was where we went to first, and Graham Munro was quite a character! I wish we could have spent more time there as he was very interesting.
The second place we went was a commercial studio in the city, which was quite nice, but I didn't really take away anything from there.
Sun Studios was our last stop and it was amazing. Only downside is that I realized is that studio hire and lights costs a LOT of money.

Geoff Comfort

I found Geoff's talk to be quite boring honestly, and he mainly covered stuff that had been covered by other speakers, such as pricing. He is quite a good industrial and architectural photographer, but the main point I seemed to get out of his speech is that you can take pretty average photographs, and still get paid for them.
As he is an avid member of the AIPP, he also talked a lot about how it can help you get work etc.

Ben Kopilow

Ben Kopilow is a Canberra wedding photographer who established Fusion Photography. Ben's wedding work is very artistic, and he has certainly established his own style, which I think helps him stand out as a wedding photographer.
I think Ben is an amazing photographer and business man. He is very charismatic and charming, and he has a great knowledge of how to run his business. I found his talk very interesting, and even though we had already heard about pricing, he kept me intrigued the whole time.
He talked a lot about believing in yourself, and although it may be difficult, you need to take every opportunity you get, as it will help you grow as a person, and also help grow your business.